Cutting Line, 2024

Concrete, steel

Diameter 18 cm, base height 6 cm

Cutting Line by Alya Segova. Alya Segova
Cutting Line by Alya Segova. Alya Segova
Cutting Line by Alya Segova. Alya Segova
Cutting Line by Alya Segova. Alya Segova
Cutting Line by Alya Segova. Alya Segova
Cutting Line by Alya Segova. Alya Segova

This work is a reflection on a collision with inexorable and inevitable force, the scale of which far exceeds a human.

If we admit that our life proceeds within the framework of determined society rules, accepted as a norm, with a certain automatism of habitual actions, then global political turmoil, as a tectonic shift, reconfigures social connections and relationships by the very fact of its appearance. And it’s easy to become disoriented and miss the logic of what is happening and, after all, find yourself on a cutting line where a human life becomes just a statistics unit.

I tried to capture the moment when such not fully realized threat begins to emerge through the comfort of everyday life. And then the conditional reality of morning coffee or evening tea turns into the reality of a rapid lam from the kitchen.


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